[Live-demo] EOxServer - an Open Source WMS/WCS for Earth Observations & OSGeo-Live

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Jun 3 15:16:39 PDT 2012


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On 06/03/2012 08:59 AM, stephan at meissl.name wrote:
>  Cameron,
> many thanks for your reply. I completely agree to your proposed approach for
> 6.0. What would be the best procedure to send the docs and install script?
> cu
> Stephan
> On June 2, 2012 at 11:23 PM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Stephan,
>> I apologise for the slow response - this email thread has got lost in my
>> email inbox.
>> EOxServer does look like it would be a valuable contribution to
>> OSGeoLive. From what I hear, it does seem to be of suitable quality
>> software. I'm a bit nervous about your relatively small user community,
>> as well as the existence of similar projects which will be competing to
>> attract your niche user base. I would like to encourage you to reach out
>> to other International Earth Observation software projects to see how
>> you can collaborate, and also reach out to other Earth Observation
>> communities and attract them as users. This will be important for the
>> long term viability of your project.
>> With regards to including EOxServer on OSGeoLive:
>> I don't want to commit yet to including EOxServer in this 6.0 release.
>> Partly due to the light community size, but mostly due to the many other
>> challenges that we are going to be spending a lot of time on for this
>> osgeolive release, (switching to ubuntu 12.04 and openjdk).
>> However, you are welcome to write your docs and install script, and we
>> can include them in the release. The docs will be on the DVD, but not
>> linked from the index page, and install script won't be run during the
>> build process, but can be run afterwards (eg at the start of a workshop
>> which is using the DVD).
>> I'd then suggest that we will probably want to introduce EOxServer into
>> the OSGeoLive 6.5 release.
>> On 26/05/12 22:51, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>>> Brian, Angelos, all,
>>> many thanks for your positive and encouraging comments. Was a pleasure
>>> to work with you on IRC :)
>>> I like your idea of the beta software. The script you mention is
>>> available in our trunk [1] together with a screen shot [2] of what I
>>> achieved so far.
>>> Best regards from Vienna, Europe,
>>> Stephan
>>> [1] http://eoxserver.org/browser/trunk/osgeo-live/install_eoxserver.sh
>>> [2] http://eoxserver.org/browser/trunk/osgeo-live/screenshot.png
>>> On Sat, 2012-05-26 at 12:02 +0300, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I was present in the discussion Brian mentions and I agree with him.
>>>> EOxServer seems to be a well organized project and I feel it should be
>>>> included in the disk, initially as beta software for version 6.0. This
>>>> would mean no default installation but installable by the user with
>>>> instructions through a quickstart document.
>>>> Stephan already created an installer for the disk and I had a chance to
>>>> test it against alpha2.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Angelos
>>>> On 05/26/2012 03:52 AM, Brian Hamlin wrote:
>>>>> Hi Cameron, OSGeo Live list, all
>>>>>    I had the good fortune of working with Stephen briefly today.. I got
>>>>> a quick look at the project source code, and I happen to work with
>>>>> technology similar to some parts of EOxServer, here in California.. so
>>>>> I have some way to understand what I see.
>>>>>    The good news is that EOxServer is *small* and the server portion of
>>>>> it can certainly work within our Live parameters for web servers.. My
>>>>> first impression is that EOxServer is an agile and well organized
>>>>> suite of software that simplifies reading, processing and displaying
>>>>> some kinds of raster imagery, onto an OpenLayers web map. The scope is
>>>>> specific, the project appears to be well run.
>>>>>    SISS - I had not seen that SISS page before.. perhaps some of those
>>>>> on the cc list are very involved. .
>>>>> I can take a guess .. SISS appears to be more of a certified stack of
>>>>> large software apps/platforms, along with their supported standards -
>>>>> different than a single small app written for a specific purpose..
>>>>> The naming of GML signals to me that SISS is aimed at large
>>>>> institutions and research bodies..
>>>>>    best regards from Berkeley, California
>>>>>      -Brian
>>>>> On May 25, 2012, at 4:00 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>>> Some of the people involved in Australian/New Zealand Earth
>>>>>> Observations (Andrew, RobA, Bruce, Jim, RobertG, David),
>>>>>> As per below, Stephan has proposed that EOxServer be included in the
>>>>>> OSGeo-Live DVD distribution, which will provide valuable marketing
>>>>>> reach for EOxServer. I'm forwarding this on to each of you as I'm
>>>>>> interested to understand whether the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
>>>>>> (BOM) and CSIRO are aware of EOxServer. Have you considered using
>>>>>> EOxServer?
>>>>>> What have been your conclusions about such considerations?
>>>>>> How does EOxServer compare against the SISS stack?
>>>>>> Stephan,
>>>>>> Note that BOM/CSIRO have been investing heavily in what they are
>>>>>> calling the "Spatial Information Services Stack" (SISS), which
>>>>>> consists of:
>>>>>> PostGIS
>>>>>> GeoServer
>>>>>> GeoNetwork
>>>>>> THREDDS
>>>>>> HollowWorld
>>>>>> FullMoon
>>>>>> https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/wiki/Siss/SpatialInformationServicesStackHandbook
>>>>>> Stephan,
>>>>>> I'm interested to know whether participants in the EOxServer have
>>>>>> been in touch with programs working on the SISS stack?
>>>>>> Are there any areas for collaboration?
>>>>>> What are the benefits of EOxServer over SISS?
>>>>>> On 26/05/2012 1:21 AM, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 21:27 +1000, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>>>>> We are starting to build the 6.0 OSGeo-Live DVD which will be released
>>>>>>>> in September 2012, ready for FOSS4G 2012 as well as many other spatial
>>>>>>>> conferences. This upcoming version will be built upon the stable
>>>>>>>> Xubuntu 12.04 Long Term Support (LTS) release. Documentation will be
>>>>>>>> translated into eight languages, now also including Chinese and
>>>>>>>> Catalan.
>>>>>>>> Any new applications?
>>>>>>>> We would like to hear from anyone wishing to add new projects to
>>>>>>>> OSGeo-Live, anyone wishing to extend or add extra translations, or
>>>>>>>> anyone who has ideas on how we should shape the upcoming release.
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> Hi Cameron,
>>>>>>> we'd like to propose the inclusion of the EOxServer [1] project in
>>>>>>> OSGeo-Live. Three weeks ago we released our version 0.2.0 and even
>>>>>>> though it has a rather low version number we think it would add some
>>>>>>> value to OSGeo-Live. However, as this is a proposal and we're surely
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> aware of all policies we fully understand different opinions. It would
>>>>>>> be great to hear your advice.
>>>>>>> Here are the details about EOxServer following the wiki at [2]:
>>>>>>> Name: EOxServer
>>>>>>> URL: http://eoxserver.org
>>>>>>> License: MIT
>>>>>>> Description and value added:
>>>>>>> EOxServer's mission is to provide an Open Source software framework to
>>>>>>> ease the online provision of big Earth Observation data archives via
>>>>>>> Open Standard services for efficient exploitation by users.
>>>>>>>         * Open Source: MIT-style license
>>>>>>>         * software framework: Entirely based on Open Source (Python,
>>>>>>>           MapServer, Django, GDAL, etc.)
>>>>>>>         * ease online provision: Admin GUI and command line data
>>>>>>>           registration
>>>>>>>         * big Earth Observation data archives: Operators register
>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>           raster data archives
>>>>>>>         * Open Standard services: Open in the sense of freely available;
>>>>>>>           Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); WMS, WCS, EO-WMS, EO-WCS
>>>>>>>         * efficient exploitation by users: User defined sub-setting;
>>>>>>> view
>>>>>>>           and download
>>>>>>> OGC standards: WMS, WCS, EO-WMS, EO-WCS, WCS-T; All versions are
>>>>>>> supported that are supported in MapServer. However, focus is on WCS 2.0
>>>>>>> and WMS 1.3 and their respective Earth Observation (EO) application
>>>>>>> profiles.
>>>>>>> Language: Python and a small bit C
>>>>>>> Version: 0.2.0 (maybe 0.2.1 if we need to change something for example
>>>>>>> the packaging)
>>>>>>> Risk adverse organisations: EOxServer has been partly funded by the
>>>>>>> European Space Agency (ESA) which is currently evaluating the
>>>>>>> operational use. Also some European Commission supported projects are
>>>>>>> evaluating the usage of EOxServer.
>>>>>>> User community: There is a user mailing list [3] but not yet much
>>>>>>> traffic. According to the Python package index [4] there have been 96
>>>>>>> downloads in the last three weeks and according to the website
>>>>>>> statistics for eoxserver.org there have been around 3400 unique
>>>>>>> visitors
>>>>>>> with about 7800 visits in 2012.
>>>>>>> Developer community: Again we have a mailing list [3] with a bit more
>>>>>>> traffic and nine committers. Please see ohloh [5] for more statistics.
>>>>>>> Stable release: Our latest stable release is 0.2.0.
>>>>>>> Testing: We make extensive usage of Python's and Django's unit test
>>>>>>> framework and have about 900 tests included in our autotest instance.
>>>>>>> Additionally there are some selenium based tests of the web client and
>>>>>>> admin gui.
>>>>>>> Mature code: Again please see ohloh [5] for these statistics.
>>>>>>> User interface: In EOxServer we distinct between two user roles:
>>>>>>> operators and users. Operators can register data and control the server
>>>>>>> via the command line and the Django provided admin gui. Users can
>>>>>>> explore the available data via a simple web client based on OpenLayers
>>>>>>> and jQuery.
>>>>>>> Presentation at FOSS4G: There have been talks at the German speaking
>>>>>>> FOSSGIS and the recent FOSS4G-CEE conference. Please see the EOxServer
>>>>>>> documentation [6] for a list of presentations.
>>>>>>> Volunteers for liaising: Stephan Meissl and Stephan Krause
>>>>>>> Application installation: Since EOxServer is a Python application the
>>>>>>> recommended way of installation is using pip. However, since we're
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> setuptools we can easily provide .deb packages if needed.
>>>>>>> 512 Meg of RAM: Yes, EOxServer can be run in 512MB of memory. However,
>>>>>>> the image rendering will be limited to the capabilities of MapServer
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> GDAL.
>>>>>>> Disk space: The current base package extracts to 22MB but includes 15MB
>>>>>>> of documentation. Our autotest package which we'd propose for a
>>>>>>> demonstration (see below) extracts to 130MB but 90MB of this are
>>>>>>> expected results for the tests which can be safely ignored. If needed I
>>>>>>> believe we can shrink the test data to under 10MB to still provide a
>>>>>>> meaningful demonstration. Usually we also copy the OGC schemas to speed
>>>>>>> up XML validation but this might not be necessary here. The packages
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> available here [7].
>>>>>>> Other dataset: We have to explore the already included demonstration
>>>>>>> data but at a first glance we think we need to include some EO data in
>>>>>>> order to show off the capabilities of EOxServer.
>>>>>>> Project Overview and Quickstart: Will of course be produced and
>>>>>>> provided.
>>>>>>> Windows and/or Mac installers: Not needed.
>>>>>>> Thanks for your consideration,
>>>>>>> Stephan on behalf of the EOxServer Team
>>>>>>> [1] http://eoxserver.org
>>>>>>> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Apply
>>>>>>> [3] http://eoxserver.org/doc/en/users/mailing_lists.html
>>>>>>> [4] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/EOxServer/
>>>>>>> [5] https://www.ohloh.net/p/eoxserver/
>>>>>>> [6] http://eoxserver.org/doc_trunk/en/users/presentations.html
>>>>>>> [7] http://eoxserver.org/wiki/Download
>>>>> ==
>>>>> Brian Hamlin
>>>>> GeoCal-ish
>>>>> OSGeo California Chapter
>>>>> 415-717-4462 cell

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