[Live-demo] 6.0 alpha3 Status

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Wed Jun 6 02:51:21 PDT 2012

On 5 June 2012 20:43, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just completed a full test of alpha3.
> What was fixed:
> - 52nWPS and SOS.
> - OTB
> - Kosmo
> - Mapnik is installed now but has demo issues
> - OpenCPN
> - pgRouting
> - Spatialite
> - Zygrib (still has some issues)
> - liblas
> New issues from alpha2:
> - GeoServer (JAVA_HOME not configured, openjdk7 issue?)
> - GeoNetwork (same as GeoServer)
> - Maptiler was not installed
> Old issues still here:
> - 52nWSS not working
> - gpsdrive not installed
> - Mapfish not installed
> - Gosmore freezes
> - ossim not installed
> - rasdaman not installed
> - tinyows not installed
> - zoo-project (broken demo)
> Still including custom JRE:
> - uDig
> - Kosmo
> I am going to make a similar disk for the alternative iso. From a first
> look, some launchers are missing. It is also interesting that it is only 3.0
> GB in size, I wonder what is missing...
> Regards,
> Angelos
> On 06/04/2012 03:26 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:


I've been testing alpha 3 to see how it's going with gvSIG.

Well gvSIG has been removed from main install script so at first it
wasn't installed. I've logged as root and run the gvSIG install script
and it works so now I have gvSIG working (with the known bug on raster
still there).

I will change default JVM to 1.7 via debian alternative and see how it
works and report here any advance. We can update the debian package to
allow gvSIG with openjdk7 if it works.

Jorge Sanz

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