[Live-demo] Re: OSGeoLive, Sourceforge, and South Africa

edgar.soldin at web.de edgar.soldin at web.de
Thu Mar 1 08:02:20 EST 2012

I claimed the opposite, now who is right :). I also took some minutes to browse sf.net docs and didn't find the faintest smell of restrictions like that.

sf.net autoselects mirrors via geoip as well to the best of my knowledge.


On 01.03.2012 14:02, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>>  Last time I read up on sourceforge policies dumping a big iso so it
>>>  would get mirrored was not an acceptable use of sourceforge resources.
>>>  We also have no way to guarantee which mirrors it ends up on. Not all
>>>  files go to every mirror, especially big files.
> On 03/01/2012 02:36 PM, edgar.soldin at web.de wrote:
>> On 01.03.2012 12:28, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>> I agree with Alex that Sourceforge might be difficult to manage.
>> what exact difficulty did he mention?
>> ..ede
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