[Live-demo] iso produces errors on shutdown / logout / closing pgAdmin3

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Mar 2 09:24:31 EST 2012

hi folks,

I am preparing the iso for FOSSGIS DVD. I took the image Angelos 
prepared for me with FOSSGIS background.

Download: http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/5.5/

I noticed that  with the iso I get the following error when I close 
pgadmin - An error occured: can't remove file '/home/user/.pgadmin3' 
(error 1: Operation not permitted) This error occures with the iso but 
not with 5.5.rc21.vmdk

Another thing that does not work is to log out or shutdown with the menu 
at the top right (nothing happens)

Both error did not occur in the iso from Version 4.5

Has someone an idea? Shall I ignore this?


FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012
20.-22. März 2012 in Dessau

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