[Live-demo] Re: How can we make the OSGeo-Live presentation more compelling?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 17:02:03 EDT 2012

On 21/03/12 22:21, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> El 20/03/12 23:03, Cameron Shorter escribió:
>> A proposed talk on OSGeo-Live was not ranked high enough to be included
>> in the FOSS4G-NA line up.
>> I'd be interested to hear suggestions on what we can do to ensure this
>> presentation is ranked higher.
>> I personally think that the OSGeo-Live DVD and accompanying presentation
>> is hugely valuable, especially for new users to Geospatial Open Source.
>> (At FOSS4G 2009, for which I have metrics, I'd classify half the
>> attendees as new users). But it is very likely that I'm biased.
>> What can we do to make the OSGeo-Live presentation more attractive?
>> * Are there ways in which we can improve the presentation?
>> * Should we spice up the abstract?
>> * Should we encourage the non-technical silent majority to vote on
>> abstracts?
> Tomorrow I'm giving with Pedro-Juan (OSGeo-es Liason Officer and fellow)
> the Spanish FOSS4G OSGeo Live DVD presentation.
> The slides (in Spanish) are at [1] (better with a recent version of
> chrome or firefox).
> We are making more or less the same talk than in the past gvSIG Conf
> that had three parts:
> - - What is the OSGeo LiveDVD and project
> - - The point of view of a local chapter: How the Spanish Local chapter
> has worked on the project on translations
> - - The point of view of a software project: How gvSIG has worked on the
> project.
> This way we present different aspects of the project, without entering
> strictly on the contents of the LiveDVD. So it's more an organizational
> talk than a technical one.
> Do you think it's worth to translate our slides and publish them
> somewhere? Maybe with a more general approach than with OSGeo-es/gvSIG.
> Cheers
> [1] http://jsanz.github.com/slides/girona-0312-osgeo-live/osgeo-live.html
Hi Jorge,
I've just read through your presentation. It is interesting and takes a 
different slant as you point out, in that it talks about the project and 
how to get involved, rather than the products behind the project. I 
think it would be valuable for people wishing to find a path toward 
contributing to an Open Source project.

I'm interested to here any feedback you may have from the audience.
Was your presentation running in conjunction with other presentations? 
If so, what percentage of people attended your presentation?

My suspicion is that your presentation could possibly be tweaked to be 
targeted more at what an audience might be looking for:
* The types of audiences we could cater too are:

1. General Software Developers:
* Want to know how to promote their Open Source projects. We can talk to 
OSGeo-Live's marketing channels, and how to get access to them, and how 
you could create your own marketing channels.
* Want to learn the success factors in building an Open Source project. 
How to attract developers and contributors.

2. OSGeo developers
* These people likely already know of OSGeoLive
* They might want a workshop on how put their app on OSGeoLive and 
create good docs
* They might want to hear about where OSGeoLive is going next, so that 
they can plan to be involved in it.

3. New Open Source GIS users (new to GIS, or GIS people new to OS)
* This is the target audience for the current OSGeo-Live presentation 
I've put together
* They wish to hear about what OSGeo applications are available (and how 
it compares to what they are using today)
* They would really appreciate targeted advice on which of the 50 
OSGeo-Live projects they should start looking at.

I think a translation of your presentation would be valuable.

I think that it would be valuable for us to collect references to 
presentations such as yours, such that future presenters can draw upon 
your ideas when customising for their audience.

As such, I've created a wiki page here:

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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