[Live-demo] Improved translation status

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 08:28:39 PST 2012

On 11/12/2012 01:19 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> On 12/11/12 11:23, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>> FYI we have moved the greek translation maintenance to GitHub to 
>> attract more contributors, since GitHub seems to be very popular in 
>> the Greek OSGeo Chapter:
>> https://github.com/kalxas/OSGeo-Live-el 
> Angelos, I'd be interested to hear a bit more about how you are using 
> git.
> I'm a bit nervous about using two different version control systems.
We had been using a separate SVN server until now and I was responsible 
for merging and updating the documents in the OSGeo SVN in order to 
ensure the quality of the documents uploaded. So there is actually no 
reason to worry about that. We just moved to git, because part of my job 
is much easier with "Pull Requests".
Actually non-translator members of our Chapter find it much easier to 
jump in and fix minor issues (like typos, spelling etc) than before.

I would definitely suggest moving the whole project to Git eventually, 
but this would require OSGeo infrastructure for Git and Trac to be in 
place. I recall Alex saying that there is a plan for such deployments.


Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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