[Live-demo] Xubuntu 13.04 build test

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 04:24:40 PDT 2013

Good news, I managed to get a custom iso working from 13.04 by stripping 
down our build script to bare minimum.
So we are back in business :)


On 04/28/2013 01:10 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to make another build with 13.04, this time turning off all 
> our scripts.
> The result was the same, a broken kernel system.
> It seems that our build process does not work for the new ubuntu 
> versions, or needs updating.
> This actually means that we would need to deal with it sooner (13.04) 
> or later (14.04).
> I found this new help page:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch
> We originally used this page:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization
> Angelos
> On 04/26/2013 12:38 AM, Hamish wrote:
>> Angelos wrote:
>>> Personally I have not used LXDE, but I have heard that it is
>>> very limited (some people call it a non-deskop but of course
>>> DE flame wars are well known...).
>> At least the 12.04 offering is fully featured and mature enough,
>> the only thing that seemed half-baked was the login manager, but
>> you only got that if you manually switched to it, they were using
>> lightdm by default I think.
>>> On the other hand, staying to 12.04.2 would be a safe
>>> choice, it is pretty stable at the moment....
>>> So our options:
>>> 1. Xubuntu 13.04 (alpha1)
>>> 2. Lubuntu 13.04
>>> 3. Xubuntu 12.04.2
>> I'm pretty easy with whatever choice people like to make from
>> those.
>> One big advantage of going to 13.04 is it means we have less
>> package overrides and external ppas to deal with, which means
>> a lot less work and packaging problems to deal with.
>> Another is that it takes care of Cameron's drop the dead-wood
>> idea without us having to start making ugly popularity contest
>> decisions. A sure sign of a healthy project is one that provides
>> updated packages in a timely fashion. Other metrics like Oholo
>> activity have similar failings to using SLOC output to assess
>> employee productivity. I'll again trot out PROJ.4 as the classic
>> example of highly mature code which looks bad if your metric is
>> based on change frequency, but is probably used by many millions
>> of people every day if they know it or not; not many bug fixes
>> as there aren't many bugs left.
>> But it's probably still too early to say; time will tell if
>> 13.04 is a good one or not. Since the early retirement date
>> we'd have to upgrade again before too long.. so we would be
>> making a lot of work for ourselves. :-/
>> 2c,
>> Hamish

Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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