[Live-demo] The release nears..

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 24 20:27:05 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I've just tagged the osgeolive_7_0 branch in SVN. This doesn't mean that testing is done, just that any bug fixes that come in to trunk need to be backported (deep freeze). I'll wait until we send the master image to the printers before tagging the release.

Now's a great time to download RC2 and test (a) your favourite geosoftware and (b) try out a new one while you're at it. Greek and Californian mirrors:


Note you'll need the Mini version if you are installing to a 4GB USB stick. After many false starts, this will be the first release with persistent disc space for 4GB usb drives possible. There's not very much space to work with (415mb in theory, probably half that in practice) but it's a start. Note the read-only USBs (the default) will be faster since the writing process is to RAM disk there. You have to be in an OSGeoLive 6.5 or 7.0 session to enable the option in the startup disc creator tool.

Feedback to #osgeolive on the Freenode network, and the osgeo bug trac'er.


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