[Live-demo] iPython Notebook, SciPy and IRIS

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Dec 20 18:37:19 PST 2013

On 12/20/2013 02:31 PM, maplabs at light42.com wrote:
> Hi All -
>    I am doing a few small experiement with XUbuntu 12.04.3 and the current repos..
> As some already know, I am advocating using python "distribute" / pip  to add 
> python assets
>    I have installed ipython (1.1) and numpy using pip and the results look good. 
> You may
> know that iPython Notebook has gained a significant user base in the science 
> community since the
> last Live release.
>    I went to install matplotlib, and had to add a few things.. libpng12-dev and 
> libfreetype6-dev
> which we already use...Otherwise all went well..
>    I notice that install_IRIS.sh has quite a few of the same dependancies as the 
> SciPy stack,
> yet uses apt to install the python assets.  unless someone else jumps in, over 
> the break I will
> likely try re-arranging those install lines and see how that works out..
>    In general I think there is a lot of stability in using python pip to get the 
> required packages.
> --
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter
> blog.light42.com

The biggest issue this presents is for users who install and use
OSGeoLive as their desktop as the upgrade path becomes muddled since apt
no longer knows what's installed. Instructions on how to pip upgrade for
end users might help a little.

What would really be awesome is something like the cran2deb project
where R package are by script converted into debs so they are always up
to date via apt. So a pypi2deb ppa would be pretty sweet.

Also on the Postgis 2.1 topic, all that's needed is to get Ubuntugis to
update their package and all should be good again. Good to know you have
a potential workaround.


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