[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #1071: R quickstart vignettes

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 8 03:40:11 PST 2013

#1071: R quickstart vignettes
 Reporter:  micha    |       Owner:  live-demo@…              
     Type:  task     |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  OSGeoLive6.5             
Component:  LiveDVD  |    Keywords:  docs, 6.5, R             

Comment(by barryrowlingson):

 > >
 > >  > install.packages("rgeos")
 > >
 > > is only a 210kb download and quick build with no other dependencies,
 so why don't we just include it by default? GEOS is nice.

 +1 for including rgeos in that case. I assume it links in with libgeos.so
 or similar so there's no great burden on the system.

 Its also a prerequisite for how I'd like to develop the quickstart with
 some geometrical operations - I think there's another ticket for that!

 No time to try it or test it at the moment...


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1071#comment:7>
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