[Live-demo] OSGeoLive 6.5 RC1 status

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 11:44:41 PST 2013

I agree with Angelos,

Sounds like the ubuntu point release is unlikely to impact our 
applications, and has some improvements we would benefit from.
Ie: Bugs fixed is expected to be greater than bugs introduced.

On 17/02/13 03:51, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Some answers inline:
> On 02/16/2013 06:14 PM, maplabs at light42.com wrote:
>> On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 17:53:16 +0200, Angelos Tzotsos 
>> <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> I have completed a new build based on 12.04.2 and it looks good so 
>>> far. 
>>> http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/dev/osgeo-live-debug-build10000.iso
>>> This could be RC2 if we decide to make this extra step towards 
>>> Secure Boot.
>>> I would like to hear more opinions about our options here. Hamish 
>>> proposed another option on IRC yesterday:
>>> 4. Release RC1 as Final and do a 6.5.1 with the 12.04.2 Xubuntu base 
>>> after a month or so, when more feedback will be available.
>> from a testing point of view, you have to say, where are the risks? 
>>  e.g. What set of users and hardware are affected by the changes in 
>> 12.04.2 ?
> Until RC1 we used Xubuntu 12.04.1 base iso and during *all* our builds 
> we used "apt-get upgrade".
> This means all updates until the day we built RC1 are included (except 
> kernel updates that were kept back to protect chroot environment)
> The new 12.04.2 base iso brings in updates that were released the last 
> couple of days (Qt4, openJDK updates and a new kernel)
> The new kernel (3.2.0-37) brings support for Secure Boot and I 
> seriously doubt that it would affect any software of our stack.
> OpenJDK update brings in the last *very critical* java patches that so 
> much noise was made around the internet the last weeks. My opinion is 
> that this is a serious security update and we should ship with it.
> Regarding Qt4 updates, small part of our stack is built on Qt and we 
> can test those applications to check that they are not affected.
>> How could those be at risk given this change?
> Regarding hardware, I am not sure we ever tested on specific hardware. 
> I feel that we always trust Ubuntu on this area. Why should this 
> change now?
>> internally, it is unlikely that application layer software is 
>> affected much by
>> a tiny point change like that, but what might the interactions be?
>> Are there changes that effect any of the software stacks?
> I think this is covered above.
>> The rote way to test is to mechanically re-examine all bugs, and
>> re-examine all features, and re-examine all quickstarts, when there
>> is a platform change.. This is labor intensive and as noted, we dont
>> have the labor available to do that..
> I understand that we lack on the testing side, and yes we need more 
> testers to make all the quality checks needed.
>> It is always smart to characterize the nature of the delta, and use
>> insight to try to find where bugs and problems are likely to be...
>> Since Ubuntu Linux and the software on the Live is very complex,
>> I welcome the ideas of others to make good decisions about testing
>> to acheive quality, and decisions about change to lessen risk to 
>> quality.
> I feel that since testing was only done so far by a small number of 
> users, it would not be hard to run one more round of testing before 
> release, but I really want to hear everybody's opinion on this.
>> best regards
>>   -Brian
>> -- 
>> Brian M Hamlin
>> OSGeo California Chapter
> Best,
> Angelos
> -- 
> Angelos Tzotsos
> Remote Sensing Laboratory
> National Technical University of Athens
> http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
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