[Live-demo] OSGeoLive 6.5 status: distribution

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 09:58:21 PST 2013

Hi all,

This is a status update of the 6.5 release procedure:

Completed tasks:
1. All builds are complete (mini, full, vm)
2. All files are uploaded in SF.net
3. Ticket #1106 was fixed and closed.

Remaining tasks:
1. Update online docs to 6.5
2. Finalize announcement and send it out.


On 02/24/2013 12:36 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Greetings,
> Builds are now complete for 6.5 series:
> http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/6.5/
> http://osprey.ucdavis.edu/downloads/osgeo/gisvm/gisvm/6.5/
> Last step towards the official release:
> 1. Fix http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1106 and update online docs
> 2. Upload all files to SF.net
> 3. Finalize the VM version
> 4. Complete the draft announcement 
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_38
> Cheers,
> Angelos

Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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