[Live-demo] OSGeoLive 6.5 status: distribution

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 21:34:34 PST 2013

Alex wrote:
> I hadn't realized all of the images are symlinked to avoid
> duplicates. Also the /var/www/ folder on the live has lots of
> not doc files and I couldn't find a dir that just had the docs.
> So I ended up doing a mix of selective Filezilla then rsync -rl
> the _image folder to pull the symlinks. Are there any other
> folders with symlinks I need to do rsync on?

you can look at the file tree on adhoc for a clean comparison.
the non-obvious dirs are _sources, _static, and _images.

> Please review and make sure I didn't miss anything before I
> flip the switch:
> http://webextra.osgeo.osuosl.org/osgeolive/6.5/en/index.html

looks good to me. md5sum links on the download page don't work,
nor do the main iso download links. (sf.net error 500)

Are we doing torrents at Ibiblio again?

needs a new sentence, or "6.0 & 6.5":


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