[Live-demo] "big" data sets on OSGeo Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 22:24:15 PST 2013

This is a very kind and generous offer.
But I don't want to hold you to such an offer until you understand the 
full cost that moving from a DVD to USB distribution would entail.
OSGeo-Live use has been increasing exponentially over the last 4 years, 
and was handed out at ~ 20 events in 2012 (not just the international 
If sponsor(s) were to subsidise OSGeo-Live USBs, we would need to ensure 
that such subsidies were available for all expected print runs for the 
next few years. I think this requirement might be a bit more than you 
were anticipating when considering this offer below?

That aside, as mentioned in our chat, I still see a need for a mini 
version of OSGeo-Live for the next couple of years at least.

On 11/01/13 08:57, Peter Baumann wrote:
> So making the offer official :) - rasdaman can gladly sponsor the 
> price difference between 4 and 8 GB for the 500+ sticks needed for 
> -Peter
> On 01/10/2013 10:53 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>> Another thing that was brought up was the possibility to use 8GB USB 
>> drives for FOSS4G, which would mean that the mini iso could go up to 
>> 4.4G to fit on the DVD and the full iso (with the installers) would 
>> fit on the USB drive.
>> Can this extra cost be covered somehow?
>> Thoughts?
>> On 01/10/2013 11:47 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>> Hi Peter and thanks for bringing this topic here.
>>> It would be great to have more data space and perhaps we can save 
>>> some space if we track which projects use non common data-sets.
>>> From the IRC discussion there was a thought to include a 
>>> hyperspectral dataset so that rasdaman, OTB, OSSIM, EOxServer and 
>>> GRASS to use in common. Any thoughts on that? Should we play safe 
>>> with free MODIS dataset or is there another suggestion? Would it be 
>>> ok if we limit this to ~50MB size or would we need more? I know this 
>>> is not enough for a good remote sensing dataset, but we are short on 
>>> disk space currently.
>>> I liked the idea of using some web services for demo purposes in 
>>> addition to data included in the disk as long as there is a notice 
>>> to the user that those are available only with internet connection.
>>> About projects mentioned:
>>> MapGuide is actually not included in the disk due to that large 
>>> footprint (caused by mono dependency).
>>> Marble in large because its dependencies for Qt bring in large parts 
>>> of the KDE libraries.
>>> We definitely need to hear more from the projects on this!
>>> Best,
>>> Angelos
>>>> Hi listers,
>>>> as space is running short on the ISO we need to reconsider sizings. 
>>>> In today's OSGel Live chat I was tasked to initiate this 
>>>> discussion. Current disk footprint of each application is available 
>>>> from
>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc#gid=13 
>>>> Top riders currently:
>>>> - mapguide: 550mb
>>>> - marble: 300 mb (includes disk caching!)
>>>> - grass >250mb
>>>> One way of saving space is to enlarge it (ie, go to 8 GB) which is 
>>>> unclear due to some unresolved questions; another one is to deflate 
>>>> unused datasets, a third one to share data among applications.
>>>> Can I ask all those with 3-digit disk hunger to chime into this 
>>>> discussion.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Peter 

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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