[Live-demo] osgeo-live-6.0-1.iso dvd/ problem to start

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 07:46:01 PST 2013

Hi Manuela,

Could you please test this iso and confirm that you have the same 
problem or not?

Also, you might be interested to perform testing on our latest beta 
version and see if you are getting similar problems.

 From what I recall, there should not be a choice to "test xubuntu 
without installation". It should lead you straight to the live session. 
It seems that this session failed and you were sent to the login screen.


On 01/17/2013 05:33 PM, Manuela Themann wrote:
> Hallo,
> i wanted test open source gi-systemes with the file osgeo-live-6.0-1.iso from a
> dvd (without a virtuell machine). So i burned the file on a dvd (+R, 4,7 GB) as
> an iso-file and tried to boot from the CD-drive. After selecting the language i
> selected the choice "test xubuntu without installation".
> Thereafter i had a problem:
> I think that i saw the desktop-background from OSGeo-Live, a green background
> with the logo from OSGeo-Live. But the logo was much smaller than the originel
> logo and i saw only a green bar with the logo. Allways this bar scrolled over
> the desktop like a loop without an end. After some minutes the desktop turned to
> black colour. That's the end of it!
>   From your description how to start OSGeo-Live (Quickstart) i could see only the
> second window (the black one with two little pictures on the bottom).
> My PC-system:
> AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual
> 2,91 GHz, 1,93 GB RAM
> 15" Desktop, definition 1024 x 768 pixel
> Have you an idea what can be the reason of my problem?
> I hope you can help me!
> Kind regards
> Mathe121
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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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