[Live-demo] Sextane Project Overview on OSGeo-Live

José Antonio Canalejo Alonso jacanalejo at yahoo.es
Sat Jun 15 03:06:17 PDT 2013

Hi Victor,
we from gvSIG Community Edition would like to contribute to the SEXTANTE Project Overview with information related to the java version. We have updated the user manual with the changes of the latest (22/3/2013) snapshot of the java version of SEXTANTE. (http://gvsigce.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php/sextante/sextante-download). This will be soon available in the SVN.

I guess folks of Openjump would also like to contribute. Giuseppe Aruta is translating SEXTANTE into italian and french:
See you
José Canalejo 

>Following up on this email thread.
>We discussed Sextane in our weekly IRC meeting yesterday:
>Bottom line is that we would welcome a Sextane Project Overview, which 
>references already existing Quickstarts from other applications. (Feel 
>free to look at the other Quickstarts and see if you think they should 
>be tweaked).
>Would you like to write a Sextane Project Overview?
>The documentation writing process is described here:
>First thing you would need is to request OSGeo-Live subversion access, 
>if you don't already have it, as per:
>On 11/06/13 19:09, Hamish wrote:
>> Cameron wrote:
>>> I see that the Quickstart you reference is making use of
>>> QGIS. I note that we already have a QGIS quickstart, which
>>> mentions Sextante. I suggest that rather than create another
>>> quickstart, we should make use of the existing QGIS quickstart,
>>> which could be extended slightly to include one screen shot and
>>> a few more steps. (Note that we still want to keep the
>>> documentation concise, so that it is easy to maintain and
>>> test in future).
>> Hi,
>> I'd advise about adding much more to the QGIS quickstart, it's
>> already quite long and there is quite a lot to talk about while
>> just talking about the core functionality. wrt the GRASS and
>> SEXTANTE sections in the QGIS quickstart, I think the important
>> thing is to let users know that the (huge) resource exists, and
>> show them how to open the door to that functionality. But moving
>> too far beyond that is getting a bit out of scope.
>> So I'd encourage other solutions which added new content in
>> less crowded corners, and a "for more on this see..." at the
>> appropriate place in the QGIS doc.
>> regards,
>> Hamish
>Cameron Shorter
>Geospatial Solutions Manager
>Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
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