[Live-demo] SVN access

Ian Edwards iedwards.pub at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 00:09:09 PDT 2013

Hi all,

Could I also request SVN access for OSGeo Live to submit Iris installer, my
OSGeo username: ian.

I confirm that my contributions to OSGeo-Live will be compatible with the
OSGeo-Live license guidelines at the time of contribution.

Many thanks,


On 17 Jun 2013 07:28, "Francois Prunayre" <fx.prunayre at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, I'm currently updating GeoNetwork on the OSGeo-Live. Could I
> please get access to subversion. My osgeo-user id is: fxp .I confirm
> that my contributions to OSGeo-Live will be compatible with the
> OSGeo-Live license guidelines at the time of contribution.
> Best regards.
> Francois
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