[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live poster

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 13:26:23 PDT 2013

sent from Android
---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Margherita Di Leo" <diregola at gmail.com>
Data: 21/giu/2013 22:25
Oggetto: Re: [Live-demo] OSGeo-Live poster
A: "Activity Workshop" <mail at activityworkshop.net>

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take care of that as soon as i have access
to a computer (i m currently traveling ).
sent from Android
Il giorno 21/giu/2013 21:54, "Activity Workshop" <mail at activityworkshop.net>
ha scritto:

> The poster looks great, that's a really useful contribution.
> If I may be picky, I'd like to suggest a few minor improvements, maybe
> somebody with LibreOffice can think about these when they're updating the
> details for 6.5.
> - The icon for GpsPrune shows the "R" logo, I guess this is an oversight?
>  It would be good if the correct one could be used.
> - The opening sentence "In recent years..." seems out of place and
> redundant, I'd prefer to lose it completely.  But if you want it to stay,
> at least change it to "the accessibility... HAS changed", not have changed.
> - The sentence beginning "it is available as ..." in the central bubble is
> too long, shortening it or splitting it would make things clearer imho.
> After editing the odp, it would be a good idea to re-generate the pdf file
> and upload that too, and also put a little thumbnail graphic of it on the
> "Live GIS Poster" wiki page.  That way people can get an idea of what it is
> before they download the 8MB pdf.
> Again, good work from those involved!
> activityworkshop
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