[Live-demo] gvSIG and Kosmo non-free libs test

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 27 23:16:02 PDT 2013

On 28 June 2013 06:08,  <maplabs at light42.com> wrote:
> per conversation in the meeting today...
> uDig
> ---------------------------------------------
> Let's set aside uDig for now,
>   in imageio-ext there are some libs
> gvSIG
> ----------------------------------------
>   Live 7.0 will feature gvSIG 2.0
>   so the library deletion test on gvSIG 1.2 wont be valid for 2.0
> steps:
> cd /opt/gvSIG_1.12
> for n in *NCSC* *NCSE* *mrsid* *ecw*;do sudo rm $n;done
> sudo ldconfig
> <launch gvSIG from the Geospatial Menu>
>   make a new project and a new view, set projection to EPSG:4326
>   open shapefile in natural_earth2
>   *appears to work after removing libs*
> Kosmo
> --------------------------------------
>   similar situation, Kosmo 2.x on Live 6.5; Kosmo 3.x on Live 7.0
>  ( however I suspect that Kosmo 2 to 3 is not anywhere near that of the gvSIG rewrite )
> steps:
> cd /usr/lib/Kosmo-2.0.1/libs/
> for n in *NCSC* *NCSE* *mrsid* *ecw*;do sudo rm $n;done
> ldconfig
> kosmo_2.0.1
>   make a new project and a new view, set projection to EPSG:4326
>   open shapefile in natural_earth2
>   *appears to work after simply removing libs*
> hth
> --

I'll rebuild the gvSIG 2 deb package without the ECW/MrSid extensions
and libraries so the package could be redistributed without major


Jorge Sanz

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