[Live-demo] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 14:15:36 PST 2013

Hi Jake,
It is very inspiring to hear stories such as yours, and hear that our 
work on OSGeo-Live is being used and is making a difference.

I heard hints from your email that you might be interested in helping 
with OSGeo-Live?
If so, there are a number of areas where a volunteer such as yourself 
could make a big difference. For instance:
* We are aware that we have variable quality in many of our quickstarts. 
It would be good to have someone critically review quickstarts and 
suggest improvements, update and/or create screenshots, and/or improve 

* If you are more technically interested, we are really keen to package 
all projects into debian files and meta-projects, which would enable 
OSGeo-Live projects to more easily be incorporated into Ubuntu based 

On 22/11/2013 2:19 AM, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> Jake,
> Thanks for sharing!
> I'm forwarding to the Osgeo live mailinglist.
> Johan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jake Joel <jakebrinkmann at gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:10 PM
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Live
> To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> Hello All,
> I’m a graduate student in the South Dakota State University Image
> Processing Lab, studying Electrical Engineering and Remote Sensing. I
> wanted to introduce myself to the group, and say I really appreciate
> all of your contributions to the open-source geospatial community. The
> numerous apps that are available through the foundation have helped me
> greatly in the past few months, and I don’t think I could have done
> the analysis I wanted to without your help. Big Thank You!
> Secondly, I am very interested in helping the cause and contributing
> in any way that I can. I am not quite at the level where I think I
> could actually develop any software, but I have convinced my research
> lab to start using the OSGeo Live 7.0 distribution in a VM ware, with
> the hopes of getting rid of Windows & Matlab altogether. With that, we
> have found some strange bugs when trying to update everything to the
> latest & greatest; we eventually found it had something to do with
> both the zygrib & otb dependencies. One of my colleges seems to have
> found a work around, so I thought I would share:
> sudo sed -i -e 's_.*_#&_' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zygrib.list
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> sudo dpkg -i --force-all
> /var/cache/apt/archives/otb-bin_3.20.0-0ppa~precise1_i386.deb
> sudo dpkg -i --force-all
> /var/cache/apt/archives/libotb3.20_3.20.0-0ppa~precise1_i386.deb
> sudo apt-get install -f
> sudo reboot now
> By issuing these commands, it seems we can update the system. Without
> some of these terms, eventually our VM always crashes due to
> conflicting dependencies from the PPA repo. We thought we should let
> you know, as our first ‘contribution’ to the cause. My apologies that
> it really doesn’t fix anything, but it might be a good conversation
> starter!
> We’ll keep an eye out for places we can help.
> Looking forward to participating in the open-source revolution.
>   :-)
> Thanks,
> Jake Brinkmann
> GRA, Image Processing Laboratory
> South Dakota State University
> jakebrinkmann at gmail.com
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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