[Live-demo] Cooperation between OSGeo Live and GIS.lab

Ivan Minčík ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 14:40:45 PST 2013

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Ivan,
> The OSGeoLive project has gone out asking for developers, testers,
> packagers, translators etc several times in the past.
> It is good to know that you are willing to collaborate with us and your
> help would be more than welcome to all the above tasks.
> So yes, lets work together, especially on the packaging side, where we
> need to create deb packages for EVERY single software project we
> distribute, since this would take us to the next level (distro upgrade
> paths, meta-package definition, faster iso compilation, easier
> customization etc)

Hi Angelos,
GIS.lab project is going to use only limited set of software (mostly only
one carefully choosen for each task). Common packages will be all core libs
like gdal, geos, proj and software like postgis or qgis. Although, in case
of metapackages I can help with my packaging skills. I would like to help
with packaging in UbuntuGIS project [1] which is a key factor in having
high quality packages for all Ubuntu based GIS projects. Please join to
discussions on UbuntuGIS mailinglist about the project future.

1 - http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/
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