[Live-demo] updated presentation

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 13:34:37 PDT 2013

Thanks Activity Workshop,
I've applied your changes into what will become the next version of the 
presentation at:

(It is still missing some of the images)

I haven't yet changed OSGeoLive <-> OSGeo-Live. It seems we use both 
syntaxes about 50% each in the docs. I have a mild preference for 
OSGeoLive, but am ok with OSGeo-Live if that is the common feeling.

On 04/09/13 05:56, Activity Workshop wrote:
> > With or without [-] will not cause confusion or change the 
> dissemination of our good name.
> You're right, but I still think that the name of the thing is 
> important.  Keeping it consistent isn't that hard.  Then people who 
> want to refer to this great thing aren't in doubt about what it's 
> called.  live.osgeo.org uses a - consistently (apart from the logo), 
> and the rest of the notes appear to use a - consistently.
> > This OSGeoLive Lightening Overview
> It's Lightning, not Lightening.  It's Lightning, not Lightening.
> > help  increase the awareness and uptake of the breath of quality 
> GeoSpatial Open Source
> Did you mean "the BREADTH of quality Geospatial Open Source 
> [software]" ?  How do you increase the uptake of the breadth of 
> software?  I just don't get this sentence.
> > Lets start by ...
> Let's
> > OpenLayers is provides an extensive set
> OpenLayers provides an extensive set...
> > All functionally runs inside the web browser
> All functionality?
> > the Information Centre for the Environment at the University of 
> California, Davis
> the Information CENTER for the Environment at the University of 
> California (I did wonder whether "Davis" was another organisation in 
> that comma-separated list, rather than the location of the ICE)
> Yes I know these are only notes for the speaker, not a published text, 
> but still, it might as well be right.  And it's a lot easier to 
> translate something which is correct rather than spend time wondering 
> what was meant.  And you did ask for feedback ;)
> Hope that helps!
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