[Live-demo] Presentation workflow

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 13:38:24 PDT 2013

At the moment, the svn version is the master copy. (I'm in the process 
of setting up relative links to existing osgeolive images within subversion)

On 05/09/13 02:38, Brian Hamlin wrote:
> Angelos -
>   could you explain to me again the workflow with the presentation ?  
> I know you did once.. sometimes I am slow..
> *  I have made a clone of the GitHub repository  in my GitHub account, 
> and then clone again from that to my local machine.
> *  When I change the presentation on my local machine, and I am 
> satisfied with the changes, I "pull" from my own machine to my GitHub 
> account.
> * At that point, I can either
>   - push the GitHub button to send a "pull request" to the "Master" of 
> this clone (which results in a record of all my actions at GitHub), OR
>   - I can send an email, or in IRC, ask an owner of the GitHub 
> "master" to pull from my github account
> Is this accurate?
> Are all international translators going to use the same method?
> Is the svn version of the presentation a "cold copy" of the GitHub 
> master?  or what ...
> thanks for your patience
> -- 
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter
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