[Live-demo] ipython overview

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 16:08:59 PDT 2014

On 29 July 2014 23:02, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Luca,

Hi Cameron

> The links you have provided don't seem to be official osgeolive links.
> It seems we have some docs here:
> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/overview/ipython_overview.html
> and
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en/overview/ipython_overview.rst
> Is this the same thing?

The links that I provided are inside this page


> I haven't reviewed these docs yet, and should do so.

yes please, I started to translate it, but I'll wait your review
before commit it

> Massimo, it seems you created the first version of these docs. Do you want
> to weigh in?



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