[Live-demo] Testing 16 GB+ full install idea

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 15:41:47 PDT 2014

Hi Alex,
This is very useful information which probably should be included in our 
USB quickstart:

Or if not ready for production, it can be put into our wiki at:

On 2/09/2014 3:57 am, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Just a few notes on something we discussed in IRC.
> Hamish and I discussed in IRC that once you have a 16 GB drive or bigger
> it might make sense to simply do a regular hard drive style install as
> opposed to a squashfs type system the DVD or current bootable USB uses.
> I can verify as expected, this method works. It is a little dangerous to
> do, in that one mistake in the drive assignment section could wipe your
> existing hard drive. My recommendation is to disconnect your real hard
> drive before doing the install.
> It appears to be persistent without the performance penalty of a
> persistent bootable drive. Long term I'm not sure if there will be
> negative effects of /tmp writing to the drive as opposed to be cached
> somewhere in ram. My suggestion is that when formatting leave 5-10% of
> your usb stick unallocated. At least with SSDs this allows the drive
> firmware to remap the unallocated bits to replace bad blocks when needed.
> As others have pointed out the move to USB 3 drive in the next year
> should greatly increase performance also, for those users that have USB
> 3 connectors. Some USB 2 users may also benefit too from better drives
> that can actually max the USB 2 speeds.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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