[Live-demo] present OSGeo live at Foss4G

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 15:30:29 PDT 2015

Johan, Luca,
I suggest between the two of you that you put a presentation together.
I'm not sure if workshops are also open, but this could be a good 
opportunity to develop and launch an OSGeo-Live workshop.

On 21/04/2015 12:00 am, Luca Delucchi wrote:
> On 20 April 2015 at 13:50, Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandewauw at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
> Hi,
>> Has anyone submitted a presentation on OSGeo live for Foss4G (Korea)?
> not me, but I'm available to present OSGeo live in Seul. Please let me
> know if someone else is also interested to send the proposal together.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Johan

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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