[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #998: R demo portion fails, add more geo packages

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 3 06:28:21 PDT 2015

#998: R demo portion fails, add more geo packages
 Reporter:  darkblueb    |       Owner:  barryrowlingson
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  OSGeoLive9.0
Component:  LiveDVD      |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  R            |

Comment (by nuest):

 This ticket is inactive for a while, but the generic title "add more geo
 packages" somewhat covers my following question. If I should start a new
 ticket for this I'll do it!

 I would like to add a package to the list of installed R packages , namely
 sos4R (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sos4R/). It would very
 nicely connect R with the 52°North SOS that is also on the live DVD.
 Afaics I would only need to extend the list of installed packages
 conf/R/installRpackages.r). Then I would extend the quickstart of the
 52°North SOS with a few lines of R to demonstrate the package and add a
 new demo to the package that more extensively uses the locally available
 SOS and its data.

 Any comments are highly appreciated!

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/998#comment:10>
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