[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #1444: Build spgrass6 against grass70-dev
trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Thu Jan 15 03:32:34 PST 2015
#1444: Build spgrass6 against grass70-dev
Reporter: kalxas | Owner: live-demo@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: critical | Milestone: OSGeoLive8.5
Component: LiveDVD | Keywords: GRASS, R
Comment(by neteler):
I spoke to fast: due to a change in some commands like v.out.ogr (1) which
is used in readVECT6(), vector data cannot be read right away. The
readVECT6() function needs to be updated accordingly (which is a rather
trivial task I can help with).
''Background:'' in GRASS GIS 7 a series of parameters got standardized for
coherence and ease of use. When in the GRASS session, the commands accept
the old parameter names and advertise the new names while this is not
possible in scripts.
(1) Lookup table:
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1444#comment:2>
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