[Live-demo] Starting build cycle for OSGeo-Live 9.0

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Fri May 22 14:16:24 PDT 2015

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 9:26 PM,  <mail at activityworkshop.net> wrote:

> But if I look at the "gpsprune" package, I can see version 15.1 in Trusty,
> 17.1 in Vivid, 17.2 in Debian stable-backports, but only 10.1 in
> ubuntugis-unstable (unless I'm reading it wrong).  So does that mean for
> gpsprune, OSGeoLive will continue to include version 15.1 for the next
> release?  Unless somebody at ubuntugis does some repackaging or backporting
> or something?

I had a look to backport gpsprune.

It will also require a backport of libmetadata-extractor-java, which
in turn will break josm, so that will need an update as well (which is
probably a good idea, the version in trusty is old.

But this requires also an update to jmapviewer.... (I have not yet
looked further).

This is actually a typical problem we usually face after a few
releases. Eg a gdal update requires all reverse dependencies to be

This requires a lot of energy which is not spend in improving the gis
packages in ubuntu.

In vivid many of these updates are not needed. In fact vivid ships
with the latest version of gdal.

I understand there are reasons to stick to trusty, But I have a slight
preference for using vivid, as I believe that this will mean that most
efforts done can actually be included in the next ubuntu (and debian)
release. I also don't think systemd should be such an issue, as debian
stable is using it.

I'm not sure if we should switch for this release, but perhaps we can
use our great OSGeo live community to make sure as many GIS packages
are included and up-to-date in the ubuntu repositories for the next
LTS (and debian release)....


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