[Live-demo] Fwd: Re: OSGeo live - osm2x3d

clement at igonet.fr clement at igonet.fr
Sun May 31 03:32:20 PDT 2015

> On 24/05/2015 7:33 am, clement at igonet.fr wrote:
>> May we add osm2x3d command line tool to the distribution?
>> I'm the author of this open and free project.
>> Clement Igonet
> Hi Clement,
> Nice to hear your interest in joining OSGeo-Live.
> I'm moving your request across to the OSGeo-Live email list.
> I'm interested to know more about osm2x3d to see if it fits in with
> our project selection criteria.
> Why don't you have a look at our selection criteria, and if you think
> your project qualifies, and you are up to putting in the effort
> required to bring the project onto OSGeo-Live, then fill out the
> application form and email to our OSGeo-Live list.
> Your timing is good, as we are just starting the build process for
> OSGeo-Live 9.0.
> Details here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#How_to_add_a_project_to_OSGeoLive

Hi Cameron,

Questions I have answered for requesting to add an application to 

What is its name?

What is the home page URL?

Which OSI approved Open Source Licence is used?
GPL v3 in licenses/gpl.txt

What does the application do and how does it add value to the GeoSpatial 
stack of software?
osm2x3d converts Open Street Map xml data to X3D file, exploiting 
buildings info like elevation, number of floors, roof type, etc...
It is comparable to OSM2World but osm2x3d is focused on X3D format and 
aims to provide access to building indoor, using a project like Open 
Earth View (3D web navigation with x3dom javascript library).

Next features:
    - building textures,
    - link with floor plan in SVG format,
    - link with Point of Interest for a given floor

Does the application make use of OGC standards?
It makes use of OSM xml data and X3D format.

Client or server?
It is a command line tool and can be used in client or server side.

What language is it written in?
osm2x3d is currently written in C++ language, using some boost features.

Which version of the application should be included in the next 
OSGeo-Live release?

"Account creation is temporarily suspended".

What is the size of the user community?
This project has been presented in OSGeo, framasoft, X3D and x3dom 
mailing lists.
osm2x3d is used by Open Earth View project.

What is the size of your developer community?
One person at the moment.

Do you have a bug free, stable release?
Bug free, but restricted features.

Please discuss the level of testing that your project has gone through.
osm2x3d is a command line tool.
As a black box, it gets OSM xml data as input and provide 3D scene file 
(X3D file format) as output.
Is has been tested using several kind of OSM xml data.

How long has the project has had mature code.
The architecture os the code is mature, but osm2x3d, as a very basic 
tool (using linux command line), will be continuously improved adding 
lot of new features.

This tool is a converter from Open Street Map xml data file to X3D scene 
graph for buildings.
     osm2x3d.uexe -i/--input INPUT -o/--output OUTPUT
     cat INPUT | osm2x3d.uexe > OUTPUT
Example :
$ osm2x3d.uexe -i esb.osm -o result.x3d --verbose
Options :
-h / --help             print this help
--verbose / --brief     verbose / brief mode
-s / --noStrictBounds   permissive bounds mode
-t / --noTile           no OSM png tile
-i / --input            Open Street Map xml input file
-o / --output           X3D xml scene graph. Default is "result.x3d" on 
-l / --LoD              Level of Detail (Building, BuildingPart)

Project presentation:
Friday june 19th (17:00 PM), in Paris, PSES (Pas Sage En Seine).

I'm volunteer to be responsible for ensuring the install scripts.
I'm volunteer to update English documentation for each OSGeo-Live 
I will act as the project's liaison person.

Application installation:
I need to discuss how my application will be installed.

For sure, osm2x3d runs in 512 Meg of RAM.

Disk space to install the application and a suitable example 
application: about 1 MB.

My project overview is available under a CC By and a Quickstart 
available under a CC By-SA license.

clement at igonet.fr

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