[Live-demo] Running OSGeo-Live in Apache VCL

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 02:03:05 PDT 2015

Hi Vaclav,

We have not tested this use case in the recent releases, so there might 
be more than QGIS and GRASS.
It would be very useful to have a volunteer run all the quickstarts 
using a custom user to confirm what is working.


On 09/30/2015 02:34 AM, Vaclav Petras wrote:
> Hi,
> my university made OSGeo-Live available for students through Apache VCL
> (Virtual Computing Lab). It is customary that on Linux machines you get
> your user name, however the examples and defaults in OSGeo-Live are
> expecting user name to be 'user'.
> I have tried GRASS GIS where you have to change the grassdata directory. In
> QGIS, you have to change the paths in the project when opening the project
> (the GUI allows you to edit them manually). I'm not sure what else is
> influenced. The browser's default page was not localhost.
> Do you thing is it worth trying asking to change user name to 'user'? Or,
> from your experience, do you think that few broken project files wouldn't
> be such a problem when people follow tutorials? Or is is feasible to change
> the user name everywhere? Few sed commands would take care of QGIS project
> file and GRASS GIS defaults but I have no idea what else is there.
> Thanks,
> Vaclav
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
OSGeo Charter Member

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