[Live-demo] Submit new project - NASA WorldWind

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 05:32:35 PST 2016

Thank you Gabriele for the detailed responses.

I also strongly support the inclusion of Nasa World Wind in OSGeoLive.

Regarding the size of the installation, I would like to try a basic
installation first (without documentation to save some space) so we can
find out how much World Wind will compress in the iso. The next step would
be to try to use the data already present in the disk. Then we will be able
to make a decision regarding the amount of sample data that will be needed.

Regarding Java vs Web version, personally I would like to see both
Having a tagged release is a good sign of stability, so I would prefer to
have a tagged version included. This would also help potential packaging


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> Thanks Gabriele,
> Based on your responses, it seems that Go World Wind is a mature,
> established open source GIS product, which is in line with the principles
> of OSGeo Live.
> On the downsite, it appears to be a large product, which may be a
> challenge to fit on OSGeo-Live. I'd be interested to hear thoughts from
> Angelos and others in that regard.
> The documentation does appear to be comprehensive and I feel shouldn't be
> included with the OSGeo-Live release (it can be referenced). Instead just
> provide standard OSGeo-Live Project Overview and Quickstart.
> Also, I request you make use of existing OSGeo-Live sample data rather
> that adding a new dataset. This reduces disk space and helps with
> comparisons and integration between applications.
> --
> I'm undecided on whether World Wind Web is ready. I'd be hoping to see a
> specific stable version nominated for inclusion.
> It also seems to have a relatively new development history, so might not
> have reached a stable release yet?
> Would it make to bundle GeoWorldWind and WorldWindWeb together? Or are
> they two stand alone applications?
> Warm regards, Cameron
> On 6/01/2016 10:23 pm, Gabriele Prestifilippo wrote:
> Hi, I’m answering the questions referring to both versions.
> If you consider including Java and Web version, I will provide two
> different installation scripts.
> *I confirm that my contributions to OSGeo-Live will be compatible with the
> OSGeo-Live license guidelines at the time of contribution*
> -What is its name?
> Nasa World Wind, composed of Go World Wind and Web World Wind
> - What is the home page URL?
> http://goworldwind.org/ and http://webworldwind.org/
> -Which OSI approved Open Source Licence <http://opensource.org/licenses> is
> used?
> https://opensource.org/licenses/NASA-1.3)
> -What does the application do and how does it add value to the GeoSpatial
> stack of software?
> World Wind provides a rich set of features for displaying and interacting
> with geographic data and representing a wide range of geometric objects
> using a 3d virtual globe
> -Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which versions of the
> standards? Client or server? You may wish to add comments about how
> standards are used.
> Yes, it uses on the client WMS, WFS and as GIS formats: Shapefile, KML,
> VPF, GML, GeoJSON, GeoRSS, GPX, NMEA and many others to draw services on
> the globe
> -What language is it written in?
> The Java version (goworldwind) is written mostly in java and C++, while
> Web version is in Javascript
> -Which version of the application should be included in the next
> OSGeo-Live release?
> World Wind Java SDK 2.0.0 and regarding the web version, it’s updated
> frequently, so the latest one available during the disk build process.
> - If risk adverse organisations have deployed your application into
> production, it would imply that these organisations have verified the
> stability of your software. Has the application been rolled out to
> production into risk (ideally risk adverse) organisations? Please mention
> some of these organisations?
> US Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), US Department of Energy, US Air Force,
> Army and Navy, US State Department, US Geological Survey, European Space
> Agency, Politecnico di Milano at Como, Sweden Defence Research Agency (FOI)
> -What is the Open HUB URL for your project?
> https://www.openhub.net/p/wwj and https://www.openhub.net/p/WebWorldWind
> -What is the size of the user community? You can often answer this by
> mentioning downloads, or describing a healthy, busy email list?
> The US Government is our largest ‘formally recognized’ community, with
> well over a 100,000 users. World Wind apps are a standard in multiple US
> agencies. Additionally, the European Space Agency has standardized on
> WebWorldWind for delivery of spatial data. The  www.WorldWindCentral.com
> forum has: Threads: 13,095;  Posts: 73,902; Members: 32,080; Active
> Members: 90
> -What is the size of your developer community?
> Because applications using World Wind are many, especially throughout the
> US Government, we cannot confirm the actual size of that community but it
> is estimated to be in the hundreds.
> -Do you have a bug free, stable release?
> Yes, the latest stable version, 2.0.0 for the Java and the last in the
> website for the Web’s one.
> -Please discuss the level of testing that your project has gone through.
> All versions of World Wind are tested before each release. Additionally,
> feedback via the forum contribute to identification of issues found by the
> open source community and these are addressed accordingly.
> -How long has the project has had mature code.
> World Wind began as a .NET app in 2003 with some days in 2004 at
> SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nasa-exp/) of almost 100,000
> downloads a day at ~250MB (including a base set of imagery and elevation
> data for the world, the application was only a small fraction of that). The
> Java version has been mature since late 200, the iOS version since 2014 and
> the web version continues to mature, but has been standardized on for use
> by the European Space Agency.
> OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use rather than
> libraries. Does the application have a user interface (possibly a command
> line interface) that a user can interact with? (We do make an exception for
> Incubated OSGeo Libraries, and will include Project Overviews for these
> libraries, even if they don't have a user interface.)
> Yes, in both version it has a user interface to interact with the globe,
> even though its main purpose is aimed to develop new applications. It
> includes a lot of examples (with the proper source code) to test all the
> features using a graphical user interface.
> -We give preference to OSGeo Incubated Projects, or Projects which are
> presented at FOSS4G <http://foss4g.org/> conferences. If your project is
> involved in OSGeo Incubation, or has been selected to be presented at
> FOSS4G, then please mention it.
> It was presented on different FOSS4Gs and is also in the OSGeo wish list
> - Who will act as the project's liaison person.
> Gabriele Prestifilippo
> -Can you please discuss how your application will be installed.
> About the installation for both versions, it will use a custom script,
> which downloads the files, and then copies them into a directory, from
> which is possible to find samples and executables.
> -OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained. Can the application run in 512
> Meg of RAM?
> Yes
> -How much disk space will be required to install the application and a
> suitable example application?
> The java version occupies around 300mb with samples, but might be
> possible to reduce the size removing some files (documentation ~130mb ).
> While less than 20mb the Web version
> - Each OSGeo-Live application requires a Project Overview available under
> a CC By <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/> and a Quickstart
> available under a CC By-SA
> <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/> license. (You may
> release under a second license as well). Will you produce this?
> Yes
> -In past releases, we have included Windows and Mac installers for some
> applications. It is likely we won't have space for these in future
> releases. However, if there is room, would you be wishing to include
> Windows and/or Mac installers?
> Yes
> Best,
> Gabriele
> *From: *Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>
> *Sent: *martedì 5 gennaio 2016 18:13
> *To: *Gabriele Prestifilippo <gabrieleprestifilippo at gmail.com>
> *Cc: *live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject: *Re: [Live-demo] Submit new project - NASA WorldWind
> Hi Gabriele,
> Thank you for picking up this task.
> For the install script, can you please provide a pull request here:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/tree/master/bin
> Proposed script name: install_worldwind.sh
> Also, you can issue a pull request for the documentation here:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc
> In order to accept the pull requests, you will need to confirm that you
> will comply with our license guidelines:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Git_migration
> Best,
> Angelos
> *From: *Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> *Sent: *lunedì 4 gennaio 2016 22:53
> *To: *Gabriele Prestifilippo <gabrieleprestifilippo at gmail.com>
> *Cc: *live-demo at lists.osgeo.org; Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)
> <patrick.hogan at nasa.gov>
> *Subject: *Re: [Live-demo] Submit new project - NASA WorldWind
> Hi Gabriele,
> Great to hear from you and interest in seeing NASA WorldWind on OSGeo-Live.
> The first step in including a project is to send an email to this list
> addressing the questions linked from:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#How_to_add_a_project_to_OSGeoLive
> This helps us determine whether a project is a good fit for OSGeo-Live,
> and also consider any logistical issues which we might face (such as if
> there is enough space).
> I'm looking forward to working with you further on this.
> Warm regards,
> Cameron (one of the OSGeo-Live coordinators)
> On 5/01/2016 5:07 am, Gabriele Prestifilippo wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm writing here on behalf of Patrick Hogan's suggestion, to propose the
> inclusion of NASA World Wind in the next OSGeo release (
> http://goworldwind.org/ and http://webworldwind.org/).
> I've been asked to fulfill the requirements from the Wiki, and I created
> the scripts for the project and prepared the documentations.
> Let me know what else is needed to proceed.
> Best regards,
> Gabriele Prestifilippo
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> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
OSGeo Charter Member
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