[Live-demo] pgRouting

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Tue May 3 09:39:14 PDT 2016

On 04/29/2016 08:55 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> I've used the packaging from the OSGeo-Live PPA and imported that into
> the git repository for use within the Debian GIS team:
>  https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-grass/osm2pgrouting.git
> The packaging has been updated to current best practices, and uploaded
> to unstable where it's in the NEW queue awaiting review by the Debian
> FTP masters.
>  https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html

The osm2pgrouting packages has just been accepted into the Debian archive.


It will take a few more hours to appear on the mirrors. And will be
included along with pgrouting in the next stable release.

The OSGeo-Live builds are encouraged to start using the packaging from
Debian GIS for the next OSGeo-Live release.

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

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