[Live-demo] Python 2 and 3 in the field today

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Fri Nov 11 09:58:34 PST 2016

On 11/11/2016 06:52 PM, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
> Here at UC Berkeley, it seems that far more people use the Anaconda distribution system,than any Debian python packaging.
> The Mac OS is perhaps more than fifty percent of serious science
users, by casual observation,
> and the pain and dysfunction of the Windows ecosystem continues to
drive many decisions about packages.
> Python programming is meant to be portable, and it is.
> That is a substantial portion of the benefit of choosing python.
> I do not believe that the Debian python packaging policies have much
effect on scientific programmers here, whichever OS they use.

What people do at Berkeley has little to no relevance in the context of
OSGeo-Live which is built on Ubuntu, and Debian by extension.

This causes the Debian Python packaging policy to have a significant
effect on the python packages included in OSGeo-Live.

Kind Regards,


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