[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live 10.5 schedule updates

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 14:27:14 PDT 2016

I feel that if we don't put out a release, then we won't get the 
required commitment and urgency from projects to put in the effort to 
update their projects. So I think we either go for 2 full releases per 
year or 1. If we aim for a rolling release then we will likely only get 
commitment from the core OSGeo-Live team.

I'm open for either. I personally haven't had the time commitment to 
OSGeo-Live that I've had in the past, and I have appreciated that others 
have stepped up. We have also been able to reduce our workload by 
improving our processes over the years.

I'll let others make the call on this.

Warm regards, Cameron

On 14/10/2016 12:54 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> On 10/12/2016 11:04 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Angelos,
>> We will be running into our usual problem of having major decision 
>> points happening over the Christmas holiday period. (Possibly more of 
>> a issue for us in the Southern Hemisphere because it is our long 
>> summer holiday period). However, moving a few weeks either way 
>> doesn't really help much.
> We already have similar issue during July for north hemisphere, so I 
> understand :)
> Feel free to suggest a move of the schedule, so that to minimize this 
> issue.
>> One thing I suggest we consider is whether we decide to drop back to 
>> 1 release per year. OSGeo-Live is more stable than it used to be, and 
>> I question the return-on-effort we gain by putting out 2 releases per 
>> year.
> This is something that we have to consider. I have a feeling that our 
> stability is partially based on our 6-month packaging cycle. Perhaps 
> we could continue the packaging efforts and provide updates to the ppa 
> without actually releasing .5 releases, but still creating nightly 
> builds for someone who wants bleeding edge software. This could turn 
> into something like a rolling release (not exactly since we do not 
> provide upgrade paths, but similar...)
> This is interesting to discuss here or in a scheduled meeting.
> Thoughts?
> Best,
> Angelos
>> Warm regards, Cameron.
>> On 13/10/2016 12:20 AM, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 2016-10-12 14:45, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>>> So to keep schedule somehow balanced, I think we need to move 10.5
>>>> release a bit in order to keep the 6 month cycle. Instead of targeting
>>>> for 10th of March, I propose we go for 10th of February this year.
>>>> Can you please review and comment on the proposed dates?
>>>> Is anyone aware of an important date/conference around February/March
>>>> that we should target for?
>>> Note that the OSGeo-Live 10.5 cycle overlaps the key release dates 
>>> for the next Debian stable release:
>>>  [2016-Nov-05] Transition freeze
>>>  [2016-Dec-05] Mandatory 10-day migrations
>>>  [2017-Jan-05] Soft freeze (no new packages, no re-entry, 10-day 
>>> migrations)
>>>  [2017-Feb-05] Full freeze
>>> This may or may not be a good thing.
>>> From the Soft freeze date packages for Debian will likely be 
>>> uploaded to experimental if they are not intended for inclusion in 
>>> stretch.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Bas
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Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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