[Live-demo] [postgis-devel] PostGIS 2.3.0 and pgRouting 2.3.0 are released

Brian M Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Mon Sep 26 14:04:11 PDT 2016

Hi All -

  first of all, congratulations on this release.  So fast, my head is spinning .. 

Now, on to the details.. . I see some functions in the pdf manual, marked 

  Availability 2.3.0  Requires GEOS >= 3.6.0 

GEOS is at 3.6 now ?!?

Some of you may know that OSGeo-Live is closely related to DebianGIS packaging,
The packaging chain is certainly not even close to using GEOS 3.6 now..  


More info on GEOS 3.6, please.

best regards from Berkeley, California
-- Brian M Hamlin
California Open Data ECN

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