[Live-demo] Motion: That we set up an OSGeo-Live Translators email list

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 12:57:51 PDT 2017

As per mail thread below, Nicolas and Vicky have been doing some awesome 
work setting up Transifex, and are at the stage where they are about to 
start engaging OSGeo-Live translators.

I think it would be useful to set up an OSGeo-Live translators email 
list, where translators can hang out without needing to being distracted 
by the rest of OSGeo-Live development.

So I'm putting a motion forward to set up an OSGeo-Live translators 
email list. This motion will wrap up during our OSGeo-Live weekly 
meeting this coming Monday / Tuesday (depending on where you live).

+1 Cameron

Assuming the motion passes, I think we need to ask the SAC to set it up 
for us.

On 19/10/17 4:07 pm, Baka Niko wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> Thanks for the review.
> I'll need guidance to set up the new mailing list.
> How do I do ? Sending a mail to SAC ? to mailman at lists.osgeo.org 
> <mailto:mailman at lists.osgeo.org>.?
> Best,
> Nicolas
> 2017-10-18 21:42 GMT+02:00 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi Nicolas,
>     Press release is fine. I've made a few changes [0]. I work on the
>     concept that "Less words get read more". Assume most people will
>     only read the first sentence or two.
>     I suspect that it would be useful to set up an
>     OSGeo-Live-Translators email list, which I suggest setting up
>     before sending out this "call to action" for translators. Send
>     something like:
>     "I notice that you have translated OSGeo Live before. Are you
>     still keen to stay involved? (I hope so.) We are setting up an
>     OSGeo-Live-Translators email list, would it be ok if we included
>     you on the list?"
>     Cheers, Cameron
>     [0]
>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_80&type=revision&diff=110344&oldid=110317
>     <https://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_80&type=revision&diff=110344&oldid=110317>
>     On 18/10/17 8:45 am, Baka Niko wrote:
>>     Hi Cameron
>>     Here is my  first draft email (I also prepared a press release
>>     [4]). Can you review it before sending ?
>>     Best,
>>     Nicolas
>>     Dear OSGeo-Live contributors,
>>     As you might know, we are working on translating OSGeo-Live
>>     Documentation using the Transifex Platform.
>>     We choose that in order to provide a better translation
>>     experience than the old .rst files and git one.
>>     It will help us doc building process of course, but we also add
>>     machine translation capabilities (thanks to <compagny name>) to
>>     help translators.
>>     It adds a review part too, that was sometimes not possible with
>>     the old system (when the merger didn't speak the language), so it
>>     will help us provide better quality documentation.
>>     All that said, the platform is online [1], ready to test. So we
>>     need early translators to battle test it with several languages,
>>     writing systems and such.
>>     We are in the moment where we can start testing the
>>     infrastructure and our first draft of the translator guide [2].
>>     For testing the infrastructure, translated files are needed, you
>>     can translate based on the priority mark, or on the amount of
>>     lines to be translated, or complete a translation that someone
>>     else started, or start with your project. Note that we already
>>     marked files that don't need translation.
>>     Some feedback about the guide is 100% useful. (probably the guide
>>     is more for a reviewer than for a translator)
>>     If the images below don't show in your mail, they are included in
>>     our translator guide [2]
>>     <snip images (and text) to get through osgeo list large email filter>
>>     If you have any question, please join us on IRC or on this
>>     mailing list.
>>     Vicky Vergara and Nicolas Roelandt
>>     OSGeo-Live team
>>     [1] https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/
>>     <https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/>
>>     [2]
>>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeoLive_Translation_Process#WORK_IN_PROGRESS
>>     <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeoLive_Translation_Process#WORK_IN_PROGRESS>
>>     [3] https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/languages/
>>     <https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/languages/>
>>     [4]https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_80
>>     <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_80>
>     -- 
>     Cameron Shorter
>     Open Technologies Consultant
>     Geospatial & Software Architect
>     Information Demystifier
>     M+61 (0) 419 142 254 <tel:+61%20419%20142%20254>
>     http://shorter.net

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
Open Technologies Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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