[OSGeoLive] OSGeoLive would prefer not to be listed as a Community project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 16:34:27 PST 2018

Thanks Ben, we are updating our website/wiki precedes for the community
projects, that definition is a hold over from when we had something called
an "OSGeo Lab" lab .. which was indeed an area for immature projects.

Please visit http://osgeo.org/committees/incubation for a clear breakdown
how the idea takes shape today. The goal is to include projects in our
foundation recognizing that they align with our ideal.

The final aspect to consider is that incubation is a process, available to
community projects, where they are teamed up with a mentor. It no longer
carries distinct branding or promotional opportunities, instead these are
held for projects that complete incubation.

So yeah, lets focus on completing the OSGeo Live incubation process.

Jody Garnett

On 22 January 2018 at 12:29, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben at transient.nz> wrote:

> Jody,
> the OSGeo wiki states:
> "The purpose of OSGeo Community Projects is to provide a home at OSGeo for
> projects that don't qualify for our normal incubation process."
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects
> I do not know if this is up to date or reflects current OSGeo usage.
> OSGeoLive is currently in incubation, which seems to be inconsistent with
> community status as defined on the wiki.
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 23/01/18 09:20, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi Jody,
>> In OSGeo-Live IRC meeting today [1], Brian made a point that he saw an
>> email from you suggesting that OSGeoLive has been listed as an OSGeo
>> Community project. This might just be a misunderstanding.
>> But to be clear, we, the osgeolive project would prefer not to be listed.
>>  From IRC logs:
>> CameronShorter: +0, I’d prefer not to have community status associated
>> with OSGeoLive. To me it sets a level of expectation that OSGeoLive is less
>> mature than it is, and also suggests that other projects with the community
>> badge are as mature as OSGeoLive, which I think is not the right message to
>> push
>> [1] http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeolive/%23osgeolive.2018-01-22.log
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben at transient.nz>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand
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