[Lizmap] Proj problems

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Feb 5 01:42:13 PST 2020

Hi Nicolas,

Il 05/02/20 10:26, Nicolas Boisteault ha scritto:
> Paolo,
> I don't know why there is no projection in cfg for your second link but
> it is needed. Maybe Etienne Trimaille could say why lizmap plugin
> sometimes does not write it.

thanks for your answer - no idea why it is so

> For 4th link, why are you saying zoom is not working, because it is
> forced by base layer scales ?

in fact the fourth is working:
in short, it seems to me that base layers should be added only as normal
project layers, not with the plugin option: am I right?

> Le 31/01/2020 à 19:54, Paolo Cavallini a écrit :
>> Hi again,
>> sorry to bomb the list. I'm testing the behaviour with a global scale
>> dataset in EPSG:4326, and I cannot get it to work:
>> * without OSM base map all fine:
>> https://lizmap.faunalia.eu/index.php/view/map/?repository=foss4gto&project=test_full_4326
>> * another project with the same characteristics does not have a proj
>> definition in .cfg, for unknown reasons:
>> {
>>     "options": {
>>         "projection": {
>>             "proj4": "",
>>             "ref": ""
>>         },
>> and data are not displayed:
>> https://lizmap.faunalia.eu/index.php/view/map/?repository=foss4gto&project=test_full_4326_2
>> * when adding an OSM base map to essentially the same project as #1, the
>> initial zoom is wrong, and the project is unusable:
>> https://lizmap.faunalia.eu/index.php/view/map/?repository=foss4gto&project=test_full_4326_osm2
>> * when setting reprojection to 3857 and adding background OSM, data are
>> initially displayed, but zoom is essentially not working:
>> https://lizmap.faunalia.eu/index.php/view/map/?repository=foss4gto&project=test_full_3857_osm
>> * when adding the base layer as XYZ tile and reprojecting in 3857,
>> everything seems to go smooth:
>> https://lizmap.faunalia.eu/index.php/view/map/?repository=foss4gto&project=test_full_xyz
>> Should therefore base maps be removed from the plugin, or at least a
>> warning should be added?
>> I'd be grateful of a hint here.
>> Cheers.
> -- 
> Nicolas Boisteault
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Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu

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