[Lizmap] R: How to send current login User-ID to PostgreSQL

Roberto Marzocchi roberto.marzocchi at gter.it
Mon Feb 24 02:55:08 PST 2020

Hi Paolo, 

We are using the following script and it works. Actually we do not use firstname, lastname and organization but only login field.  

var formPrefix = 'jforms_view_edition';

// Name of the QGIS vector layer fields which must containt the user info
var userFields = {
    login: 'login',
    firstname: 'lizmap_user_firstname',
    lastname: 'lizmap_user_lastname',
    organization: 'lizmap_user_organization'


    'lizmapeditionformdisplayed': function(e){

        // If user is logged in
        if( $('#info-user-login').length ){
            // Loop through the needed fields
            for( var f in userFields ){
                // If the user has some data for this property
                if( $('#info-user-' + f).text() ){
                    // If the field exists in the form
                    var fi = $('#' + formPrefix + '_' + userFields[f]);
                    if( fi.length ){
                        // Set val from lizmap user data
                        fi.val( $('#info-user-' + f).text() )
                        // Set disabled
                     // fi.attr('disabled', 'disabled');



Eng. Roberto Marzocchi, PhD

CTO - Chief Technology Officer

Gter srl (Unige spin-off)

Via Ruffini 9R - 16128 Genova 

http://P.IVA/CF 01998770992 

ph: 010-0899150 - mob: 349-8786575 

E-mail: mailto:roberto.marzocchi at gter.it http://www.gter.it 


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---- Attivato lun, 24 feb 2020 11:04:57 +0100 Paolo Cavallini <mailto:cavallini at faunalia.it> ha scritto ----

Hi all,
I've unclear how to send current Lizmap user to PostgreSQL. I followed:
adding form_variables.js to media/js/default
however, I do not know how to activate this for a specific table/field.
Simply adding
 rilevatore: 'lizmap_user_login'
where rilevatore is the name of the field of one table does not work.
Can I have a more detailed example?
Thanks in advance.
Paolo Cavallini - http://www.faunalia.eu
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