[Lizmap] Dataviz problem

Etienne Trimaille etrimaille at 3liz.com
Thu Sep 23 03:59:07 PDT 2021

The logs are in lizmap/var/log/

Le jeu. 23 sept. 2021 à 12:34, Immo Blecher <immo at blecher.co.za> a écrit :

> I checked the logs, nothing in the error logs, at least not looking in the
> admin interface. Where do I find the logs on the server?
> I'll try the foreign data wrapper or copy the table over to be in the same
> database and then create the join. That should work.
> Immo
> On 2021/09/23 12:20, Etienne Trimaille wrote:
> The dataviz module in LWC is making some SQL queries straight to the
> database. (without using QGIS Server/WFS to improve performance)
> So it might be that the SQL query is failing due to missing fields (which
> are only in QGIS).
> But when the SQL query to PG is failing, LWC should fallback on WFS (so
> using QGIS) and the join must be there.
> Maybe you hit a bug ? Do you have somethings in the Lizmap logs ? (the SQL
> query must be logged when it's failing)
> Maybe you can a foreign datawrapper in Postgresql to make the join there ?
> Le jeu. 23 sept. 2021 à 11:56, Immo Blecher <immo at blecher.co.za> a écrit :
>> Hi Etienne,
>> I am adding the join in QGIS layer properties, as the table with the data
>> is in a different PostgreSQL database.
>> RC2 works well so far. Looking forward to final. I will check out 3.6
>> plugin, thanks.
>> Immo
>> On 2021/09/23 11:52, Etienne Trimaille wrote:
>> Where are you adding the join ? In the PG view or in QGIS Layer
>> properties ?
>> Nice that you are trying 3.5 RC 2.
>> We have just released Lizmap plugin 3.6.0 which add the last new feature
>> for LWC 3.5 : filtering by polygon.
>> Le jeu. 23 sept. 2021 à 11:49, Immo Blecher <immo at blecher.co.za> a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I have a weird Dataviz problem: I am using a PostgreSQL view to extract
>>> data from a database with Date/Time as X-axis and different values on
>>> y-axis. So basically ID, sitenr, date, value fields. The Dataviz charts
>>> work perfectly, but: as soon as I add a join with other tables to add
>>> additional fields, the charts stop working.
>>> Is it supposed to work like that? Are joins not allowed for the charts
>>> to keep working? Or what must I do to keep the charts working?
>>> Setup:
>>> Linux server with PostgreSQL and QGIS 3.16 LTR, Lizmap 3.5 RC2, QGIS
>>> 3.16 LTR desktop on Ubuntu 20.04
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> *Immo F. Blecher*
>>> *Mobile:* +27 83 272 6791 | +49 1512 639 6176
>>> *Email:* *immo at blecher.co.za* <immo at blecher.co.za> | *immob19 at gmail.com*
>>> <immob19 at gmail.com>
>>> *Internet:* *https://www.blecher.co.za/* <https://www.blecher.co.za/>
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>> --
>> Etienne Trimaille
>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>> www.3liz.com
>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>> *Siège social*
>> 73, allée Kleber
>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>> 34000 Montpellier
>> --
>> *Immo F. Blecher*
>> *Mobile:* +27 83 272 6791 | +49 1512 639 6176
>> *Email:* *immo at blecher.co.za* <immo at blecher.co.za> | *immob19 at gmail.com*
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> --
> Etienne Trimaille
> Ingénieur géomaticien
> www.3liz.com
> +33 6 12 93 11 39
> *Siège social*
> 73, allée Kleber
> Boulevard de Strasbourg
> 34000 Montpellier
> --
> *Immo F. Blecher*
> *Mobile:* +27 83 272 6791 | +49 1512 639 6176
> *Email:* *immo at blecher.co.za* <immo at blecher.co.za> | *immob19 at gmail.com*
> <immob19 at gmail.com>
> *Internet:* *https://www.blecher.co.za/* <https://www.blecher.co.za/>
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Etienne Trimaille
Ingénieur géomaticien

+33 6 12 93 11 39

*Siège social*
73, allée Kleber
Boulevard de Strasbourg
34000 Montpellier
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