[Lizmap] Print_Save as PDF in lizmap web viewer

Arnaud Vandecasteele arnaud.sig at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 22:32:05 PDT 2022

Hi Francisco,

I think this is not related to lizmap but more to your browser as the PDF
is correctly generated by lizmap.
Did you try with another browser? Did you try to update your current


On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 4:40 PM Francisco Corredera <corredera at geocobet.com>

> Hello
> When I execute the 'print' command in the lizmap web viewer, after
> choosing the PDF format and generating the template with the captured map,
> the "Download" button gives an error and "Save as" does not work either in
> the context menu with right click on Template. There is a solution, which
> is to print the generated template to PDF with a local printer, but since
> there is a "Download" button, I wonder why this happens? Do I have to touch
> any parameter for "Download" to work?
> Regards
> --
> Saludos
> --
> Francisco Corredera Quesada
> Topografía, Cartografía y Estudios Geográficos
>  (+34)  928 80 87 42 | 616 44 79 11
> www.geocobet.com | corredera at geocobet.com
> C/ La Sotileza, 18, 2D.Arrecife-35500.
> Lanzarote, Canarias, España.
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Arnaud Vandecasteele
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