[Lizmap] IGN map to have a 40% transparency

Philippe CIANFARANI sig at scot-hautegironde.fr
Mon Jul 15 00:42:10 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

I have a published Lizmap project in which I have hidden all the tools 
and navigation options because this map needs to be as simple as 
possible (user-friendly). It includes a baselayers group with an IGN map 
and an orthophoto.

I wanted the IGN map to have a 40% transparency by default to allow the 
photo to be displayed, so I configured the layer conditions in QGIS 
desktop. However, once published, the map does not show the transparency.

If anyone has an idea, I would appreciate it.

Thank you, have a good day.

Chef de projet SIG
Syndicat Mixte du SCoT de la Haute Gironde Blaye - Estuaire
Maison des Services au Public
32 rue des Maçons - BP 134
33391 Blaye Cedex

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