[Lizmap] personalize Lizmap homepage

Etienne Trimaille etrimaille at 3liz.com
Tue May 28 02:10:30 PDT 2024


As Arnaud said, this string is in your administration panel, no coding 
skills require.

Side note for everyone, you can look at this very nice Lizmap instance 
running, very neat and clean : 


On 27/05/2024 13:05, Philippe CIANFARANI via Lizmap wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to modify the Lizmap homepage from the image below to 
> achieve the following image.
> I want to modify the Lizmap text and achieve the following image. In 
> this image, the word Lizmap is replaced by département.
> Thank you all for your responses.
> Philippe
> -- 
> Chef de projet SIG
> Syndicat Mixte du SCoT de la Haute Gironde Blaye - Estuaire
> Maison des Services au Public
> 32 rue des Maçons - BP 134
> 33391 Blaye Cedex
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Etienne Trimaille
www.3liz.com <http://www.3liz.com>

*Tel.* 06 12 93 11 39
31, rue de l'Argenterie
34000 Montpellier
*Siège social*
73, allée Kleber
Boulevard de Strasbourg
34000 Montpellier

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