[Local-chapters] Are you going to run an event?

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Fri May 13 04:56:03 EDT 2011

Hash: SHA1

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 01:17, Tyler Mitchell <tmitchell at osgeo.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi all, I'm curious to know what local chapters, on this list
>> anyway, are planning to run a local chapter related event.  Are
>> you?
> Here in the Spanish LC we are running several micro-events related to
>  the "micro-chapters", we are having a couple a month here in Spain
> and we're thinking on preparing one in Argentina.
> Right now we are not having a "major" OSGeo event in Spain or LatAm, 
> not even thinking about because there are many Geoevents, at least in
>  Spain and some in LatAm,  and we collaborate with many of this
> events during the year (mainly Girona and gvSIG related in both sides
> of the Atlantic) and we are also trying to "keep spreading the
> GeoWord" in some Non-Geo-related events.
> Bests

the German Local Chapter FOSSGIS is a legal not-for-profit association
and organizes one main conference each year:
* http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/
It is also the main local chapter event where qwe have the formally
required annual reunion, election of the president (Marco Lechner)
board, budget, other official representatives, treasurer and so on.
German thoroughness rules here... :-)

The FOSSGIS conference attracts around 500 people and grows by 100 each
year and can be seen as the German language sibling of FOSS4G. It is
organized with the help of a manual which might also be interesting to
others who want to organize a similar event. Unfortunately so far only
in German (http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/wiki/Handbuch). There is a
close relationship to OpenStreetMap which also reflects in the program
with about 1/3 of the events related directly to OSM.

FOSSGIS appears with booths, workshops and presentations at the three
other major events including:
* Intergeo in September, it is the GI trade fair in Europe, a big thing
with roundabaout 15k attendees
* AGIT in Salzburg, Austria July has a dedicated OSGeo Day including its
own booth, also together with OSM (http://www.agit.at/osgeo)
* LinuxTag, a general Open Source fair in May, this year only with some
underground activities

FOSSGIS co-sponsors half a dozen code sprints each year, ususally
dedicated to a specific project, last year there were Quantum GIS,
Mapbender and OSM sprints.

OSGeo and FOSSGIS appear at many smaller, conferences, symposiums and
university events. There is a lot of activity.


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