[Local-chapters] Using the FOSS4G brand

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Wed Nov 20 01:47:30 PST 2013

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there has been some confusion around the brand FOSS4G, how to organize
local conferences in general, how to link back to OSGeo and so on.

As a result of these ongoings I suggest that OSGeo take more ownership
of the brand FOSS4G. The main reason is to avoid confusion, improve
transparency and make sure that the name FOSS4G continues to stand for
quality events.

Therefore I suggest that anybody who wants to use the name FOSS4G has to
first ask/announce this on this mailing list *before* making it a public
event, sign any contracts, etc.

What is "ask/announce"? Not sure, we may need to better define. From a
do-ocratic [1] point of view anybody should be allowed to go ahead. At
the same time we should strive to avoid conflicts with other events
close by, go easy on volunteer resources, etc. Maybe we can implement a
very simple rule: If nobody complains / raises issues within two weeks
of announcing on the Conference-dev list the organizer can go ahead.

Later we may also want to make sure (make it a rule) that a trusted
OSGeo person is part of the LOC.

What is a "trusted OSGeo person"? Anybody with an official role, be it
board, committee, or chair. If necessary we have to clarify. Again, I'd
like to keep it simple...

Once we have talked about this here and if we agree I would like to make
this a motion to be approved by the Board at one of their next meetings.

A general question is whether the conference committee is prepared to
take on this additional job at all. It appears to be the best place but
if you think this belongs elsewhere please advise.

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Do-ocracy

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