[Local-chapters] Regional Chapters (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America 2015 Expressions of Interest)

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Tue Sep 3 07:11:52 PDT 2013

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NA Local Chaps;
I think it is high time for a North America Chapter. Maybe it suffices
to start with slightly formalizing the existing team which already
selects and organizes the conferences. I am sure that eventually a
full-fledged Regional Chapter will form so it is just a questions of
when to officially start. As we all know publish early and release often
is the way to go. It seems like we are almost beyond publishing early.

we are thinking about similar ideas in Europe with a strong CEE group
already under way and Germany, UK, Spain, The Netherlands and Italy
pretty strong already we will eventually have to coordinate anyway. One
way to go forward would be to have representatives of the existing local
chaps form a higher level group. The Spanish speaking group has gone a
different way and organizes around a language regardless of location.
Both can be good.

If you have ideas how to do this we'd be interested in learning about
them and sharing experiences. Please subscribe to the Local Chapters
list and let us know:

Best regards,

On 30.08.2013 17:12, David William Bitner wrote:
> With the second FOSS4G North America in Minneapolis in the history books
> and looking forward to the "Big Show" in Portland next Fall, I'd love to
> start the ball rolling to drum up interest in hosting FOSS4G North
> America in the Spring of 2015.
> There are two parts here:
> 1) Who's interested? If you have a local community that you think would
> be great to host, speak up! If you have questions as to what it takes,
> ask. If there's a city you'd love to see take this on - start pestering
> them.
> 2) If there is competing interest, we'll need identify the selection
> process/committee. We can take the easy route here and do something
> simple like prior Conference & Program Chairs make up the committee, or
> we can try (again) to create a more formal group for North America to
> handle things like this. If you have $.02 on this - bring it up now!
> I'd love to see us be able to move on this and be able to select a venue
> by the end of November if possible to make sure there is ample time for
> planning. Important thing right now is to start the discussion and get
> folks thinking about what we need to do to make the next FOSS4G NA
> another awesome event!
> Cheers!
> David
> -- 
> ************************************
> David William Bitner
> dbSpatial LLC
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- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Executive Director)
Open Source Geospatial Software, Data and Services
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