[Geo-inquietos Madrid] Fwd: For your mapathon/mapping event next week

Johnattan Rupire jarjacha at riseup.net
Tue Nov 17 07:54:49 PST 2015

Chévere! oye David, lo podremos usar por aquí también, en Perú? creo que 
en la lista de talk-latam será bien recibido también...

El 17/11/15 a las 09:12, David escribió:
> Hola Graeme
> He preparado un archivo de subtitulos en castellano para el video, que 
> creo que es lo suyo si lo vamos a proyectar aquí. Se lo puedes pasar a 
> la gente de HOT OSM por si los quieren añadir directamente como 
> subtítulos de youtube a su video y si no los podemos usar directamente 
> en la proyección.
> Nos vemos el sábado. Un saludo,
> David
> El Lunes 16 de noviembre de 2015 12:57, Graeme Herbert 
> <graeme.herbert en redbaobab.com> escribió:
> Hola,
> Os paso el mensaje que he recibido del director de HOT OSM. Nos pide 
> que enseñamos el video enlazado al comienzo del evento.
> Un saludo,
> Graeme
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: 	For your mapathon/mapping event next week
> Date: 	Fri, 13 Nov 2015 17:49:42 -0500
> From: 	Tyler Radford <tyler.radford en hotosm.org> 
> <mailto:tyler.radford en hotosm.org>
> Dear all,
> Nearly 100 organizers (including you) have signed up to host events 
> for OSM Geography Awareness Week. I could not be happier or more 
> excited about the incredible effort this year and on behalf of the 
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, thank you for the work that you are 
> doing.
> Your mapping - whether with friends, family, or colleagues, whether at 
> home or in the workplace - is having significant impacts on people's 
> lives. I'm asking that you convey this message to all those who attend 
> your events this year. Here's a video that can be shown right at the 
> beginning of your event, before mapping has started:
> *https://youtu.be/8wdzGKmZu-k*
> We want all those who participate to know that they are a part of a 
> global movement with real results (and keep them coming back for more)!
> Your participants are already contributing something valuable - their 
> time. If they are so inspired, we also ask for their donations for our 
> 2015 fundraising campaign. *Through next week only, any gifts made 
> through https://donate.hotosm.org <https://donate.hotosm.org/> are 
> doubled by Mapbox up to the first $10,000! *These donations are 
> critical for HOT to keep doing what it does best - supporting mapping 
> communities and projects around the world, and developing innovative 
> software tools like the Tasking Manager to promote collaborative mapping.
> Thank you for your support and please don't hesitate to be in contact.
> Best
> Tyler
> *Tyler Radford*
> Executive Director
> email: tyler.radford en hotosm.org <mailto:tyler.radford en hotosm.org>
> U.S. mobile: +1 617.285.2009
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team *
> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
> web <http://hotosm.org/> | twitter <https://twitter.com/hotosm> | 
> facebook <https://www.facebook.com/hotosm> | donate 
> <http://hotosm.org/donate>
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Johnattan Rupire

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