[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Tue Aug 1 22:17:22 EDT 2006

Tim Bowden wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 09:25 +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> A more practical approach might be to ignore the form factor
>>> altogether for now, and build a 'prototype' using a laptop plus 'the
>>> extra bits'. Don't worry for now if that means having to mount a
>>> laptop plus a battery onto a backpack frame, and have 'a bunch of 
>>> cables' to connect external devices such as a GPS receiver, camera,
>>> compass, data logger, etc.
>> Generally, prototyping seems to be the best way to succeed in such a
>> kind of project. Laptop-based prototypes are much easier to start so I'd
>> say this is a good idea.
>> Bob, am I correct your idea about PC-based
>> approach is similar to Dave's?
Yeah I would say we're on the same wavelength.


>>> Having a working prototype, no matter how crude, would allow for
>>> 'proof of concept' demonstrations, and I'm sure lots of people would
>>> give useful feedback (beyond just "make it smaller"!) based on such a
>>> prototype.
>> That's a good idea.
>> Thank you Dave for your valuable feedback!
>> Best regards
> Tim Bowden
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