[OSGeo-Discuss] Enterprise OSDB for OSGIS

Eduardo Patto Kanegae epk.lists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 09:55:33 EST 2006

I know that MS-SQL2005Express is NOT opensource( despite it's a freeware),
but last week I have installed this database with the spatial database
extension MsSQLSpatial and I liked a lot too. Because this extension is
OGC/SFS compliant, if you know how to user PostGIS, so you will feel
comfortable to manage MsSqlSpatial too.

The bad side is that it's still a very new project, so there's not much
render-clients available. The only I know is SharpMap and MapServer - which
can render MsSQLSpatial object using an OGR/ODBC connection.

best regards,

Eduardo Patto Kanegae

On 12/11/06, chenrg at lreis.ac.cn <chenrg at lreis.ac.cn> wrote:
> Dear all,
> There are many comparisons about OSDBs, such as:
> http://www.geocities.com/mailsoftware42/db/
> http://www.fabalabs.org/research/papers/FabalabsResearchPaper-OSDBMS-Eval.pdf
> http://www.virtuas.com/files/osl-osrdb-01.pdf
> http://www.osdbmigration.org:8080/osdb/osdb-features
> I'm not sure which will be the most promising enterprise OSDB for OSGIS.
> (1) PostGIS is an excellent one, but its performance depends on
> PostgreSQL;
> (2) MySQL Spatial Extension (MyGIS) faces the same problem.
> Another solution is to build a Spatial Data Engine (like ArcSDE) for
> FireBird or MaxDB or Ingres.
> Checked the source codes of several OSDB:
>      MaxDB V7.6
>      PostgreSQL V8.2
>      FireBird V2.0
>      MySQL V5.0
>      Ingres2006
>       Files
>      1,203
>      1,081
>      913
>      2,353
>      5,696
>       Functions
>      4,692
>      9,506
>      7,075
>      30,994
>      22,470
>       Lines Code
>      287,792
>      374,124
>      584,431
>      890,415
>      1,440,326
>       Lines Comment
>      103,035
>      155,720
>      254,937
>      286,385
>      1,373,997
>       Ratio Comment/Code
>      0.36
>      0.42
>      0.44
>      0.32
>      0.95
> It seems that Ingres is more powerful and has more enterprise functions.
> Further more, it has internal support for spatial extension.
> Is it a reasonable solution to choose it to build enterprise OSGIS? Any
> advice and suggestions?
> Regards.
> Chen
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rongguo Chen, Prof., Ph.D
> Representative of China OSGeo Chapter (
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/China, https://china.osgeo.org)
> State Key Laboratory of Resources & Environmental Information System
> (LREIS, http://www.lreis.ac.cn)
> Email: chenrg at lreis.ac.cn, chenrg at igsnrr.ac.cn
> Tel:   (86-10)64888963, 13911825587
> Fax:   (86-10)64889630

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